Charindra Keerthipala

Sales Consultant

0481 881 289


Specialised in Marketing, Charindra brings exceptional marketing and negotiation skills coupled with extensive research into property deals to ensure you get the best outcome possible. As a former Chartered Marketer, Charindra draws from his unique work experience in both academia and corporate in the sectors of Airlines, IT and Apparel Manufacturing in addition to his involvement with property.
Being honest, trustworthy, and extensive homework backed up with sound research are the key elements Charindra believes as the principles he operates, which also proved to be his success factors in his academic and corporate careers to date.
Charindra loves Humour, Sports and Music but spending time with family comes first. You can always have a conversation with Charindra and he loves sharing his knowledge and helping you realise your property goals, so don’t hesitate to give him a call, even if you have not decided what to do with your property.
